Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wagga Wagga to Cooma

Day 73, Saturday, March 25, 2006 The Snowy Mountains are Australia’s ski areas from June through September when this high plateau receives substantial snowfall. It’s early fall here now and we picked a perfect day to visit. The plateau is very much like Alberta’s foothills, rolling hills and grassland.
Bob’s Blog


Anonymous said...

Hope you got to the Mt Kozie Ski Area. It would remind you of many of our Canadian Ski Resorts. Also lots of neat hikes etc.Your trip must be nearing completion? Sounds like you have had a wondreful time.
See you soon. The hiking Club hikes start May 2nd. J&J

Anonymous said...

Hope you got to the Mt Kozie Ski Area. It would remind you of many of our Canadian Ski Resorts. Also lots of neat hikes etc.Your trip must be nearing completion? Sounds like you have had a wondreful time.
See you soon. The hiking Club hikes start May 2nd. J&J

Anonymous said...

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